Party like it's 2014

A regular weekend coffee date with Alicia
I can't wait to see where this whole John thing goes. Buckle up, internet! I will continue to work on our communication (me=not being condescending; him=being patient).
I want to continue to keep in touch with all my friends. I miss them still and will think of new ways to let them know that. (carrier pigeon? stripper-gram?) Thank god for Skype!
I haven't seen my Texas family in over a year. I'd like to go see them and catch up and get mad at them and then make up.
I'd like to help out more with Sierra Club especially the Communications Team. Maybe dabble in some outings.I want to become fluent in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop or at least make some cool flyers and edit pictures of my cats.
Home & Budget
John and I are apartment shopping. This will be our first time picking out a place, which might require some extra hard communicating (see above).
I want to play in the dirt again with John and maybe even grow some veggies. Our new apartment will probably not have a yard so we'll be back at the community garden--not that I'm complaining.
John and I have continued to cook at home (with a few arguments) and have enjoyed healthy, yummy meals. Not surprisingly, we've saved some cash and cooked up some love (oh yeah). I'm hoping against hope that our new place will have a gas stove and a regular sized fridge.
Continue paying down debt. As many people know, I'm not ashamed to discuss my debt and foolish spending habits. (Of course I need to spend $30 in China-dollar-zone at Target.) I pledge to keep using the envelope method to increase my savings and pay off my Capital One card, ENT Loan and possibly my Lowe's credit card this year.
I want to play in the dirt again with John and maybe even grow some veggies. Our new apartment will probably not have a yard so we'll be back at the community garden--not that I'm complaining.
John and I have continued to cook at home (with a few arguments) and have enjoyed healthy, yummy meals. Not surprisingly, we've saved some cash and cooked up some love (oh yeah). I'm hoping against hope that our new place will have a gas stove and a regular sized fridge.
Continue paying down debt. As many people know, I'm not ashamed to discuss my debt and foolish spending habits. (Of course I need to spend $30 in China-dollar-zone at Target.) I pledge to keep using the envelope method to increase my savings and pay off my Capital One card, ENT Loan and possibly my Lowe's credit card this year.
Spiritual & Intellectual & Physical

Write in my journal more. I know it helps me tease out frustration and relieves some emotional constipation. I need to turn off the TV and pick up a pen!
Complete my Goodreads goal of 20 books. I probably could read more if those pesky Game of Thrones books ever ended. I read some amazing books this year. Fave fiction: The Poisonwood Bible Non-fiction pick: Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.
I'd like to continue to blog. I think it might just be for me. I have no subscribers and don't get too many comments. Yet I feel a little more accountable for my goals and I like sharing my new life with my old friends.
More bikes, more hikes. I can't live in the #2 most bike friendly cities and not bike. I will bike to the lightrail in the summer and take that to work at least once a week. Two birds: save the world and firm my butt.
I will complete some of my cross stitch and craft projects that have been on the back burner for quite some time. They're probably burnt by now...
Experience & Travel
So many places to go, so little money and time. Hopefully my budget skills will allow me to go to
these places this year:
these places this year:
- California! in February with John to see Monica in LA, Sandi in San Francisco, Robin in Sacremento, and whales in the ocean
- San Diego for Moriah & Kimberly lesbian beach wedding
- Visit Colorado to see everyone!
- The Big D to see my family (That's Dallas for everyone outside of Dallas)
- Pop down to Branson to visit my mum
- The big trip: Ireland in the fall with John for some Gaelic action

I will also stop into five Minnesota state parks to mark off my list and get to know my state.
More music, art and all that cultural crap. I must take advantage of Minneapolis as a nest for new acts and shows galore.