Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Movie + Park + Friends

This is the best representation of Movies in the Park from the always-right-on The Onion:

Nation's Boyfriends Dreading 'Free Event in the Park' Season

I wonder if John feels the same. I'll err on the safe side and just not ask. I'll assume he enjoys it as much as I do.

Movies/Music in the Park is a full fledged must-do in the Twin Cities. I guess when you have the best park system in the U.S., you have to do something with them. Here are all the organization/businesses offering free movies in metro parks:
Lucky for us, ThrillList put together all the above movie schedules into a neat little package. Suburban cities have even gotten on this cinema bandwagon. Some items to not forget with movie-watching in the park:
  • Blanket
  • Tarp to put under blanket
  • Bug spray!!!
  • Drinks (water and other...)
  • Snacks or cash to buy food from food trucks
  • Sense of humor--don't come to a park movie if you can't tolerate some talking, audience participation, or airplane flyovers

We just completed the grand month of June and John and I have already been to two movies in the park. That's pretty remarkable considering it's been raining almost every day and most parks are underwater.

Our first flick was in celebration of Jess (John's sis) and Dustin's 20th anniversary. We all met at Van Cleve Park in Northeast for "front row" seats to The Goonies. Although you're not supposed to bring alcohol, you can generally sneak in canned beer or disguise it in some way. It was a perfect evening of family and an 80s movie. Heeey Youuuu Guuuuuys!

The second movie we check out was Rent at Lake Harriet Bandshell to kick off Pride weekend. We should have ridden bikes to this one because parking is always a cluster fuck. It wasn't too bad this time since we arrive way early. We staged some delicious ice cream from Bread & Pickle (a Hennepin County Environmental Partner) and cozied up with friends on our patchwork of blankets. I've got to say I wasn't too impressed with Rent although the singing was phenomenal; lyrics not so much. But I loved being there!

What else should we see this summer?

Grease, Back to the Future, Top Gun, Beetlejuice, League of Their Own? Too many to choose from!

Number 3 on the Summer To-Dos knocked off!

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